Welcome to the Naturally Nourished podcast - your resource for cutting-edge food-as-medicine information! Functional Medicine applied with use of food-as-medicine. Join Ali Miller RD and her cohost Becki Yoo RD as they navigate you through nutrient deficiency, gut health, hormone balance, and optimizing metabolism through a keto reset. Each episode provides research supported approaches to optimizing your health and empowering you and your household.

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 57: Keto and Cancer with Guest Alison Gannett
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Have you heard about using ketosis as a therapeutic diet to conquer cancer? Curious to hear about clinical outcomes of a ketogenic diet as an adjuvant to chemotherapy? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Oncology Keto Diet Coach Alison Gannett about her diagnosis of terminal malignant brain cancer and how she has used keto to not only survive but thrive and how you can too!
In this Episode, Ali and Becki interview Alison Gannet, a World Champion Extreme Skier, Self-sufficient organic farmer, Oncology Keto Diet Coach, and founder of multiple non-profits including Cooking to Conquer Cancer. Diagnosed with terminal malignant brain cancer in 2013, she chose to address the root causes of her cancer with Dr. Nasha Winter’s Metabolic Approach to Cancer. She since has trained with Dr. Nasha and now helps others to prevent and conquer cancer by creating personalized keto diets using blood chemistry, DNA, and client history. Learn about advanced testing for best outcomes, how Alison incorporates 9+ servings of vegetables per day into her keto diet and what she considers her superfoods for fighting cancer!
Also in this Episode:
- Connect with Alison at AlisonGannett.com
- Learn more about Dr. Nasha Winter’s Metabolic Approach to Cancer at OptimalTerrainConsulting.com
- The Role of Stress and HPA Axis Dysfunction in Cancer Pathology
- Episode 53: Coping with Chemo
- Tools for Tracking Your Ketosis Progress
- Resources to Learn More About Ketosis

Monday Oct 30, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 56: Rebounding Your Body from Trauma
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Monday Oct 30, 2017
Have you or a loved one experienced a traumatic event? Wondering how it might impact your body, even years later? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the impact of trauma on the body and ways to mitigate the effects, from immune support to breathing techniques and the importance of returning to structure.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki break down what happens to the body after experiencing a traumatic event and how the after effects can lurk in the body for years afterward as a root cause of chronic illness. Trauma can be a physical experience like a car accident or serious injury as well as an emotional event like losing a loved one unexpectedly that elicits a psychological response. Trauma survivors may experience physical pain, immune distress as well as anxiety and PTSD long after the immediate danger has passed. Learn how to recover your body if you have experienced a traumatic event, the importance of the mind-body connection and how food-as-medicine can be used to help you get back in control of your body and mind!
Also in this Episode:
Immune Supporting Compounds
- Restore Baseline Probiotic
- Targeted Strength Probiotic
- Master Tonic Recipe
- Bone Broth Recipe
- Candiactivator
Practicing Self Care & Getting Back on Track
Stress & Trauma Recovery
- The HPA Axis and Neurotransmitter Response in PTSD
- Coping Techniques for Trauma
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
- 4-7-8 Breath
- Living Your Bliss Episode 43
Supplements to Support Stress Response
Mental Health Resources
- SAMHSA Crisis Hotline: 1‑877‑726‑4727
- Mentalhealth.gov

Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 55: Breastfeeding
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Tuesday Oct 24, 2017
Are you a new or expecting mom looking for support on your breastfeeding journey? Confused about all of the misinformation out there and not sure what is going to work best for you and your baby? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki share the science behind “nature’s perfect food” including the benefits for both baby and momma, tips for establishing the breastfeeding relationship as well as troubleshooting common issues experienced by new moms.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss the nutritional composition of breast milk, the benefits beyond caloric burn for new moms and how stress can influence the breastfeeding relationship. From use of nipple alternatives to mastitis to how to balance pumping and direct feeding for the working mom, breastfeeding can be a juggling act. This episode will provide solutions to common breastfeeding problems as well as delve into cutting edge research about the benefits of breastfeeding and discuss foods and supplements that can optimize milk production for baby’s first months of life!
Also In This Episode:
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Starting the Breastfeeding Relationship
- Troubleshooting Breastfeeding Issues
- For Mastitis: Take 1-2 tsp sea salt in 6 oz hot water and soak a washcloth
- The Role of Probiotics
- Alternatives to Breastfeeding
- Supplements to Support Your Breastfeeding Journey
- Food-As-Medicine For Breastfeeding

Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 54: Anti Anxiety Diet
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Tuesday Oct 17, 2017
Are you dealing with anxiety and want to take the reins on your life? Know there is more to the story in terms of treatment but unsure of where to start? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki tackle the often taboo subject of anxiety from defining the broad range of symptoms to Ali’s 6 Foundational Rs for managing anxiety. From decreasing inflammation to restoring the gut microbiome, Ali and Becki go deep into how diet can help you to find long term solutions and freedom from anxiety, worry and rumination!
In this Episode, Ali and Becki discuss the foundation of an Anti-Anxiety Diet and how you can use food-as-medicine as well as nutraceutical supplement recommendations for managing stress, worry and anxiety. From defining anxiety to the symptoms that are seemingly unrelated, this important episode gets to the root cases of the “elephant in the room” that is anxiety. From inflammation to gut dysbiosis to micronutrient status and adrenal gland function, there are a multitude of underlying factors at play when patients experience anxiety. Ali and Becki give recommendations for simple dietary changes as well as more advanced functional medicine testing to get you feeling back in the driver’s seat of your body!
Also in this episode:
- Getting a Handle on Pending Tasks
- Blood Sugar Stability
- Addressing Inflammatory Foods
- Resetting the Microbiome
- The Role of HPA-axis Dysfunction
- Addressing Genetic SNPs and Micronutrients
- Naturally Nourished Multidefense
- Metagenics Blisphora
- Naturally Nourished Cellular Antiox
- Pyroluria and the role of B6, Zinc, Biotin and GLA
- Food-As-Medicine Interventions for Anxiety
- Zinc-most meats, chicken, fish, turkey, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, cashews, oysters
- B6-tuna, salmon, beef liver, chicken, potatoes. banana, red pepper, pumpkin, shitake mushrooms, chickpeas, cooked spinach
- Glutathione- I3C-rich cruciferous veggies, avocado, cysteine in meats, glutamine in bone broth, grassfed whey!
- Vitamin D: mushrooms, liver, egg yolks
- Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
- Organ Puree & Pate
- Recommended Baseline Supplements and Labs

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 53: Coping with Chemo
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Tuesday Oct 10, 2017
Are you or a loved one dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation? Struggling with a new diagnosis and unsure of how to best support your body through treatment? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss food-as-medicine therapies that can aid with common side effects of treatment as well as ensure best recovery and remission. From creative ideas for dealing with loss of appetite to nausea and digestive changes, this episode will provide useful tools for optimizing nutrient intake so that you can truly fight with your fork!
In this Episode, Ali and Becki explore the nutritional priorities during active cancer treatment including supporting the immune system, ensuring adequate cell membrane and gut lining support as well as optimizing overall nutritional status. The side effects of cancer treatment can often seem as bad as the cancer itself and malnutrition is a common barrier to getting best outcomes. From immune support with adequate protein and optimal micronutrient status to navigation of taste changes, dehydration and oral sores, this episode is jam packed with practical tips to empower patients in active treatment as well as their caregivers!
Also in this Episode:
- Ensuring Adequate Protein Intake
- Naturally Nourished Grassfed Whey (use code PODCAST20 at checkout)
- Navigating Nausea, Oral Sores and Taste Aversions
- Thorne GingerPro
- Beef Rendeng Recipe
- Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding
- Oral Rinse: Rinse your mouth with a solution of one teaspoon baking soda and one teaspoon of salt, diluted in a glass of lukewarm water, three or four times daily.
- Ginger Kudzu Root Pudding Recipe
- Digestive Health Concerns
- Naturally Nourished Digestaid
- Dealing with Diarrhea
- Coping with Constipation
- Naturally Nourished Phytofiber
- Prunes in Coconut Oil: Blend 2-3 prunes with 2 oz water heated and 1 Tbsp coconut oil
- Naturally Nourished Relax and Regulate
- Magnesium Citrate
- The Importance of Hydration and Electrolyte Balance
- Dealing with Neuropathy and Preventing Neutropenia
- Resources to Support your Food-As-Medicine Journey

Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Tuesday Oct 03, 2017
Have you struggled to get your doctor on board with your desire to use food as medicine to heal your own body? Having trouble bridging the gap between conventional and functional medicine on your journey to optimal health? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Dr. John Limansky, conventional doctor turned “recovering physician” about the ways that individuals can be their own best health advocate, approaches for using a ketogenic diet to heal your body and his cutting edge work in the realm of biohacking!
In this episode, Ali and Becki interview Dr. John Limansky, a Board Certified Physician in Internal Medicine and discuss his journey from being a hospitalist to using a ketogenic approach clinically. Dr. Limansky combines modern medicine techniques with nutritional ketosis to help clients reverse metabolic diseases, improve cellular health and lose real fat pounds. He also uses biohacking techniques as part of a virtual health system to optimize human performance for athletes and high functioning individuals. Learn about labs to ask your doctor for, whether using a ketogenic approach or not, tools and supplements for best outcomes with ketosis and hear his take on some of the backlash that the ketogenic diet has gotten from mainstream medicine practitioners.
Also in this Episode:
- Successful Clinical Outcomes with a Ketogenic Diet
- Baseline Labs to Monitor in Ketosis
- Why Calorie Restriction and Low Fat Don’t Work
- The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
- Tools for Monitoring Ketosis
- For more information on Dr. John Limansky go to Johnlimanskymd.com

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Curious to hear our take on the recent controversial documentary, What the Health? Confused by the “facts” presented and not sure what to believe? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki debunk the Top 5 Myths presented, discuss research flaws and scare tactics used, as well as give props to a couple of items the film got right!
In this episode, Ali and Becki dive headfirst into the science (or lackthereof) presented in What the Health and weed through the evidence on both sides of the story. As conscious consumers, it is important to take the “too good to be true” claims of this documentary with a grain (or a teaspoon!) of salt and to be our own detectives of how evidence is presented and skewed in favor of the film’s vegan agenda. Learn about our take on the link between processed meat and cancer, whether sugar is the true culprit of diabetes and insulin resistance and whether protein deficiency is possible!
Also in this Episode:
Why Quality Matters
Conventional vs. Sustainable Farming Approaches
Why Nutrition Research Methods are Controversial
Alzheimer's as Type 3 Diabetes and the Connection to Insulin Resistance
When a Vegan Approach Might be Beneficial or Warranted
Episode 42: Transitioning from Veganism
Micronutrient Testing at Naturally Nourished
Supplements to Support your Transition
Resources to Support your Real Food Journey

Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 50: Why Diets Don't Work
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Wednesday Sep 06, 2017
Have you tried every diet in the book, only to end up back where you started? Are you doing everything “right” but can’t get the scale to budge? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki take on the topic of dieting and explain why they consider themselves “diet-less” dietitians. Learn about the top dieting pitfalls and our approach to sustainable weight loss and lifestyle modification.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki explore modern approaches to dieting and uncover the main mistakes that dieters make that hinder weight loss. Learn about the idea of optimal health at any size, how over-restriction can throw the body out of balance and why Ali does not recommend a cheat day! From mindful indulgence to intermittent fasting and a ketogenic approach, this episode will reframe the way that you think about dieting and help you find freedom in your body with weight loss as merely a pleasant side effect!
Also in this Episode:
- Macronutrient Balance and Busting Diet Myths
- Resources for Getting Started with Sustainable Weight Loss
- Benefits of Intermittent Fasting and Ketosis
- Hormonal Regulation
- Cognitive Function and BDNF
- Autophagy and Regulation of Cancerous Cells
- Improved Digestion

Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 49: PCOS Part 2
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Did you listen to our PCOS Part 1 Episode and have more questions about this complex hormonal condition? Hungry for more information about the hows and whys of PCOS manifestation and treatment approaches? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki go even deeper into this complex topic and address HPA axis dysfunction, the role of toxicity in development of PCOS as well as micronutrient deficiency trends with PCOS and how managing these three areas can have you feeling back in your body!
In this episode, Ali and Becki jump into the role of the HPA vs. HPO access and how stress and adrenal fatigue can make you more susceptible to PCOS. In addition to stress, toxicity and micronutrient deficiency can lead to expression of PCOS. A nutritionally supported detox with adequate phase 1 and phase 2 support can help to reduce xenoestrogens and other compounds that disrupt optimal hormone function. Micronutrient deficiency can also play a role in PCOS, from Inositol to Vitamin D to Chromium and beyond. Learn about how to test for micronutrient deficiencies and which supplements as well as food sources would be appropriate in PCOS.
Also In This Episode:
- Strategies and Supplements for Stress Management
- Hidden Sources of Toxins: Pesticides, Plastics and Perfumes!
- 10 Day Real Food Detox Class
- The Role of Insulin Resistance in PCOS
- The Role of Micronutrient Deficiency in PCOS
- Micronutrient Testing
- Inositol and Magnesium
- Vitamin D
- Chromium
- Vitamin C
- N-Acetyl Cysteine

Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Naturally Nourished Episode 48: PCOS Part 1
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Wednesday Aug 23, 2017
Are you or someone you know diagnosed with PCOS? Curious about the symptoms or diagnosis of this hormonal condition and whether this might be you? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the criteria for diagnosing PCOS, the underlying mechanisms that drive this hormonal imbalance as well as compare the conventional medical treatment with functional medicine approaches to treating the root cause.
In this information-packed episode, Ali and Becki discuss how PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) develops and how it manifests in the body, with symptoms ranging from irregular periods and loss of cycle to increased body hair to acne. Women with PCOS have abnormalities in the metabolism of androgens and estrogen and in the control of androgen production. There is also the common thread of insulin resistance, obesity and metabolic syndrome--though not all women present the same way! Ali and Becki will delve into how a ketogenic approach may be the best solution to managing PCOS, as well as food-as-medicine solutions and functional lab testing to help you regain balance in your body!
Also in this episode:
- HPA Axis Dysfunction and the Role of Stress
- Neurohormone Complete Plus
- DUTCH Complete Hormone Panel
- The Role of Micronutrient Deficiencies
- Diagnostic Testing and Treatment Approaches in Conventional Medicine
- The difference between PCOS and polycystic ovaries
- Ketosis vs. A Low Glycemic Approach for PCOS Management
- Food As Medicine for PCOS
- Maca
- Beautifying Blend Smoothie
- Maca-3
- Stone Fruit (cherries, peaches, plums)
- Broccoli
- Green Tea
- Maca