Welcome to the Naturally Nourished podcast - your resource for cutting-edge food-as-medicine information! Functional Medicine applied with use of food-as-medicine. Join Ali Miller RD and her cohost Becki Yoo RD as they navigate you through nutrient deficiency, gut health, hormone balance, and optimizing metabolism through a keto reset. Each episode provides research supported approaches to optimizing your health and empowering you and your household.

Monday Mar 19, 2018
Episode 76: Getting to the Root of Insulin Resistance
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Are you or a loved one dealing with insulin resistance? Want to know more about treating insulin resistance from the root cause? Curious about how this could be slowing your weight loss or causing other concerning symptoms? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki break down what insulin resistance is, what causes it and how it can be treated with diet and lifestyle modification. Learn about why high levels of insulin are harmful, how insulin resistance is treated in a functional medicine model and why this phenomenon is on the rise in the US.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki break down the nitty-gritty of insulin resistance, often considered the main precursor to diabetes. Learn about the function of insulin as a hormone as well as what happens with both excessive and inadequate response in the body. A diet high in carbohydrates, constant access to food as well as micronutrient deficiencies have all led to a rise in insulin resistance and diagnosis of diabetes in the US. Learn about solutions from a ketogenic diet to stress management to intermittent fasting that can reduce insulin resistance as well as practical tools of supplements to consider, foods to include and avoid and some of our favorite tasty recipes that incorporate these principles!
Also in this Episode:
- Defining Insulin Resistance
- Drivers of Insulin Resistance
- The Role of Non-Caloric Sweeteners
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals
- Solutions for Insulin Resistance
- How a Ketogenic Diet can Help
- Virtual Ketosis - next program launches May 15!
- Ketogenic Kickstart & Eat Fat Get Skinny Ebooks
- The Importance of Sleep
- Stress Management
- Repleting Micronutrient Deficiencies
- Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors
- Supporting Blood Sugar Balance
- How a Ketogenic Diet can Help
This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at http://www.healthiq.com/alimillerrd or mention the promo code ALIMILLERRD when you talk to a Health IQ agent

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Episode 75: Considering Carb Cycling?
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Considering carb cycling on your ketogenic diet? Confused about how carbs and ketosis can work together? Wondering if carb cycling is right for you? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki go deep into the rationale behind carb cycling on a ketogenic diet and how to know if your body is ready for a carb cycle. Learn about the mechanism of leptin reset to regulate appetite and metabolism, how carb cycling can work for imbalances such as hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue and get ideas for structured carb cycling meals!
In this episode, Ali and Becki dive into Ali’s background of using ketosis in practice for nearly a decade. When using a ketogenic approach for weight loss, there is often a battle between whether to transition to a low glycemic approach of incorporating carbs or staying tight keto. This episode will break down the reasons you might consider a transition, how carb cycling can fit within the parameters of a ketogenic diet and why the keto diet is not all black and white! Learn the signs to look for to know if your body is ready to bring in some carbs, what the best choices for carb cycles are and how this can fit into a keto lifestyle ongoing!
Also in this Episode:
- Ali’s Background in Ketosis
- Ketosis vs. Low Glycemic
- When the Ketogenic Diet Can Drive Imbalance
- The Role of Leptin
- Carb Cycling with your Menstrual Cycle
- Resources to Take Your Ketogenic Diet to the Next Level
- Carb Cycling Recipes
- Getting Back on Track from a Carb Cycle
This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at http://www.healthiq.com/alimillerrd or mention the promo code ALIMILLERRD when you talk to a Health IQ agent

Monday Mar 05, 2018
Episode 74: Are You Still Eating Gluten?
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Are you still eating gluten and wondering if you should try giving it up for good? Wondering if there is a downside to going gluten free? Want to know our take on a gluten free diet for optimal health? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the difference between celiac disease, gluten sensitivity and the spectrum of symptoms that can fall in between. Learn why modern day wheat in the U.S. is so problematic and why gluten sensitivity is on the rise, conditions that benefit most from a gluten free diet and how you might still be getting exposed to gluten even if following a ketogenic or paleo diet.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki cover the basics of gluten sensitivity, how gluten can drive leaky gut and why anti-nutrients could be a concern. Beyond bothersome symptoms, there are certain conditions for which a gluten free diet is a major part of a functional healing approach from Hashimoto’s to mood disorders. Learn about why Ali and Becki routinely prescribe a gluten free diet to all clients, favorite swap outs and what supplements can aid with gluten exposure.
Also In This Episode:
- The Prevalence of Gluten Sensitivity
- How Short Dwarf Wheat Came Into the Food System
- Why You May Be Able to Eat Gluten in Other Countries
- The Role of Stress and Secretory IgA
- Glutamate, Probiotics and DPP IV
- Why You May Be Able to Eat Gluten in Other Countries
- How Gluten Drives Leaky Gut and Food Sensitivities
- Zonulin, Gliadin and Anti-Nutrients
- Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity
- Conditions Treated with a Gluten-Free Diet
- Hidden Sources of Gluten
- Gluten Free Baking
- Gluten Swap Outs
- Supplement Recommendations
This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at http://www.healthiq.com/alimillerrd or mention the promo code ALIMILLERRD when you talk to a Health IQ agent

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Naturally Nourished Episode 73: CBD with Guest Stephen Cherniske
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Have you heard of Cannabidiol? Wondering about the safety and uses of the latest CBD products starting to crop up? Want to hear our take on how this plant-based compound can fit into a real food lifestyle? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview nutritional biochemist and health educator Stephen Cherniske on how cannabis and specifically its legal form, CBD, can be used as medicine.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki take on the controversial topic of cannabis with plant-based medicine expert Stephen Cherniske. Cannabidiol is the non-psychoactive component of cannabis and has been seen to aid in anxiety, sleep, immune function and beyond! This episode will distinguish between CBD and THC and will break down some of the myths surrounding its use. Learn about the endocannabinoid system of the body, the importance of sourcing and where to start on dosage if looking to explore CBD.
Ali shares her experience with a line she has confidence in for purity, potency, and accurate dosing, Select CBD
Also In this Episode:
- Defining CBD as an Adaptogen
- The Immune-Modulating Effects of CBD
- How CBD Impacts Stress
- Sourcing and Dosage of CBD
- Our favorite CBD Brand
- Current Research in CBD
More about Stephen Cherniske:
A nutritional biochemist and health educator, Stephen is the best-selling author of several books on aging and health, including The Metabolic Plan, Caffeine Blues and The DHEA Breakthrough, that have collectively sold more than one million copies. Stephen consulted for members of the U.S. Olympic Team, served on the faculty of the American College of Sports Medicine, taught clinical nutrition at the UCLA and directed the nation's first federally-licensed clinical laboratory specializing in nutrition and immunology. We sought out Steven as an expert and lover of plants and natural medicine with special interest and expertise in cannabis. You can find Stephen and more information here:
The Healthy Skeptics CBD Products

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Wondering if you’re getting all the nutrients you need from your real food diet? Dealing with bothersome symptoms and wondering if it could be a micronutrient deficiency? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki take a deep dive into 3 specific micronutrients often deficient in the American diet: Magnesium, Vitamin C and Glutamine.
In this Episode Ali and Becki will break down what drives nutrient deficiency in the first place, from increased demand to medication depletions. They will discuss the main functions of each nutrient as well as common symptoms of deficiency and give food and supplement recommendations for repletion.
Also in this Episode:
- Magnesium
- Vitamin C
- Glutamine
- Bone Broth 3 Ways (Naturally Nourished Cookbook)
- Pan Roasted Chicken with Cherry Tomato Jam (Naturally Nourished Cookbook)
- Gut Restoring Bone Broth
- Tomato Basil Soup
- Vital Proteins Collagen & Gelatin
- GI Lining
- The Role of Glutamine in Cancer Treatment
- Additional Resources
This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at http://www.healthiq.com/alimillerrd or mention the promo code ALIMILLERRD when you talk to a Health IQ agent

Monday Feb 12, 2018
Naturally Nourished Episode 71: Aphrodisiac Foods
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Monday Feb 12, 2018
Looking to improve your sex life or balance hormones? Wondering if there is any truth to the idea of aphrodisiac foods like oysters, strawberries and dark chocolate? Want the perfect menu to set the mood? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the history and origin of aphrodisiacs and break down the reasons why foods can be classified in this way. Learn about nutrient deficiencies that can lead to hormonal imbalance, why stress kills libido and get recipe ideas to get you in the mood!
In this fun episode, Ali and Becki discuss the health benefits of sex and how having a healthy sex life can optimize your wellness. Learn about the historical significance of aphrodisiacs and the nutritional science behind foods that can support healthy sex drive and fertility like asparagus, pumpkin seeds and avocados. Get tasty menu ideas that combine aphrodisiac foods and learn about simple ways to balance hormones and get your groove back!
Also In This Episode:
- Health Benefits of Sex
- Defining Aphrodisiacs
- Recognizing Hormonal Imbalance
- Estrogen Dominance
- Progesterone Deficiency
- Low Testosterone and Aromatization
- Nutrients that Support Hormonal Balance
- Vitamin K
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Why Stress Kills Libido
- Your Aphrodisiac Menu
- Tomato & Burrata Salad with Pumpkin Seed Pesto
- Kale Aphrodisiac Salad
- Roasted Asparagus with Ghee and Lemon (Naturally Nourished Cookbook)
- Pan Seared Steak with Wine Poached Cherries (Naturally Nourished Cookbook)
- Stress Stabilizing Steamer
- Chocolate Avocado Mousse
- Maca Cacao Fat Bombs
- Coconut Oil in the Bedroom
This episode is sponsored by Health IQ. To see if you qualify, get your free quote today at http://www.healthiq.com/alimillerrd or mention the promo code ALIMILLERRD when you talk to a Health IQ agent

Monday Feb 05, 2018
Naturally Nourished Episode 70: Dirty Genes with Dr. Ben Lynch
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Monday Feb 05, 2018
Intrigued by the topic of epigenetics and want to go deeper? Want practical tips on how you can influence and modify your genetic expression to prevent disease? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview leading methylation expert Dr. Ben Lynch about how our genes are NOT our destiny and his new book, Dirty Genes. Learn about the most common genetic SNPs that can influence our health and wellbeing, how Dr. Lynch uses genetic data to customize his nutritional approaches and how you can apply this information in your everyday life!
In this Episode, Ali and Becki take a deeper dive into epigenetics, nutrigenomics and genetic SNPs with leading expert Dr. Ben Lynch. Dr. Lynch received his Cell and Molecular Biology, BS from the University of Washington and his ND from Bastyr University. His passion for identifying the root cause of disease directed him towards nutrigenomics and methylation dysfunction and he delves deeper into this subject in his new book, Dirty Genes. From practical tips for cleaning up your “dirty genes” to basic recommendations for MTHFR, GST and COMT genetic mutations, you will learn how you can rewrite your genetic destiny.
Also in This Episode:
- Supplemental Support for MTHFR and COMT Mutations
- Diet and Lifestyle Modification
- Where to Find Dr. Lynch’s Work

Monday Jan 29, 2018
Naturally Nourished Episode 69: Epigenetics and Methylation
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Monday Jan 29, 2018
Have you ever heard yourself say “it’s in my genes so there’s nothing I can do”? Feel like your future health is beyond your control? Wondering why you respond differently to certain supplements or diets from other people you know? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki break down the topic of epigenetics and how you can control the way that your genes get expressed! Learn about how you can empower yourself by knowing your genetic predisposition and using targeted nutrients and lifestyle modifications to support best outcomes.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki break down the seemingly complex topic of epigenetics and go over the basics of genetic SNPs, methylation and what this all means for your health. The environment, our lifestyle choices and the foods that we put into our body can actually be greater influencers of our genes than the genetic code itself. From mood disorders like anxiety and depression to weight gain to cardiovascular risk, many conditions are coded for in our genetics BUT are not necessarily our destiny. Learn about supplement recommendations that influence genetic expression as well as diet and lifestyle modifications to move beyond the cards you were dealt and achieve optimal health!
Also in this Episode:
- Defining Epigenetics
- What Influences Genetic Expression
- Symptoms and Disease States Associated with Genetics
- Common Genetic Mutations
- Genetic Testing and Resources
- Strategizing Supplements for your Genetics
- The Importance of Methylated B Vitamins
- Multidefense
- BioAvail Kids
- Why Synthetic Folic Acid is a Problem
- The Importance of Methylated B Vitamins
- Diet and Lifestyle Modification

Monday Jan 22, 2018
Naturally Nourished Episode 68: Supporting Your Immune System Naturally
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Were you caught off guard by this year’s cold and flu season? Feeling run down or like you are always fighting something? Want to make sure your Farmacy is stocked with all the right tools for supporting your system through illness? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki break down the function of the immune system, why your immune system can become imbalanced in the first place as well as foods and supplements to support best immune response.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki discuss the main drivers of a compromised immune system, which can lead to susceptibility to cold, and flu as well as more serious diseases like cancer and autoimmune conditions if left unchecked. The immune system is our body’s surveillance system that works to protect us from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses, parasites and even abnormal tissue growth like tumors. Lear about key players in the immune system, how we can best support the immune system as well as our favorite preventative measures to keep in stock for cold, flu, ear infections and more!
Also in this Episode:
- The Role of Stress in a Compromised Immune System
- Micronutrient Deficiency
- Ear Infections and Antibiotic Use
- Building Your Immune Supporting Farmacy
- Restore Baseline Probiotic
- Targeted Strength Probiotic
- Rebuild Spectrum Probiotic
- Multidefense
- Master Tonic
- Matcha Latte
- Sleep Support
- Zippy Toddy
- Ali’s Blog on Supporting Your Immune System (tons more ideas to stock your pantry with immune supporting goodness!)

Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Naturally Nourished Episode 67: Successful Resolutions & Goal Setting
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Tuesday Jan 16, 2018
Are you already struggling with keeping your resolutions for this year? Feeling unmotivated or unsure of how to approach your health and wellness goals? Want to hear our take on resolutions and goal setting to make this year your healthiest, most productive and most balanced year yet? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki delve deep into the topic of new years resolutions, creating new habits and successful goal setting.
In this Episode, Ali and Becki discuss why resolutions work well for some but not for others, the keys to a successful resolution or goal, as well as share practical tips for long term habit change. Creating accountability and structure can be two of the key components to successful habit change, but they are often missing from our new year's resolutions, making them seem like a huge undertaking that we may not be able to achieve. Ali and Becki will give you practical tips for breaking our goals down into smaller, more measurable pieces and how creating structure can ultimately lead to more balance and freedom! Learn about our goals for 2018 and how we plan to approach them, the role of authenticity in goal setting and how starting with a vision can make all the difference!
Also in this Episode:
- New Supplements Added to the Naturally Nourished Line!
- The Role of Sleep Hygiene
- Starting with Structure
- Virtual Ketosis Program
- Ketogenic Kickstart & Eat Fat Get Skinny Ebooks
- Support for Keto Flu
- 10 Day Real Food Detox
- Beat The Bloat: Candida Cleanse
- Work with a Practitioner: 3 Steps to Success Package
- How Ditching Dogma Can Create Food Freedom
- Checking in on Your Authenticity