Welcome to the Naturally Nourished podcast - your resource for cutting-edge food-as-medicine information! Functional Medicine applied with use of food-as-medicine. Join Ali Miller RD and her cohost Becki Yoo RD as they navigate you through nutrient deficiency, gut health, hormone balance, and optimizing metabolism through a keto reset. Each episode provides research supported approaches to optimizing your health and empowering you and your household.

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Episode 106 : Regulating Your Cycle and Natural Birth Control Pt. 1
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Are you currently on birth control and wanting to consider other alternatives? Have you been on birth control in the past and wanting to take a natural approach to correct hormonal imbalance? Want to hear our take on all forms of hormonal and non-hormonal birth control? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki tackle this complex issue and address hormonal birth control from its history and evolution to the concerns for side effects and long term risks.
In this jam-packed episode, Ali and Becki take on the topic of hormonal birth control and address common concerns for those currently on birth control or who have taken it in the past. Birth control is often prescribed to address hormonal symptoms like painful periods, acne or irregular cycles but ends up being a band aid approach that can mask the root cause of these issues and cause further dysfunction. Learn to rebalance your hormones naturally, cope with period symptoms and prepare your body for pregnancy after coming off birth control. Plus hear our take on seed cycling and learn why the fertility awareness method might be a non-hormonal birth control choice that is right for you!
Also in this Episode:
- History of Birth Control
- What Exactly is a Period?
- Types of Birth Control & Their Side Effects
- Rebalancing Your Body After Birth Control
- MultiDefense with Iron
- Multi Avail Mama - Coming Soon!
- B Complex
- Adaptogen Boost
- Calm & Clear
- Vital Choice Seafood
- Digestaid
- Vitamin D Balanced Blend
- Phytofiber
- Ultimate Detox
- Beat the Bloat Cleanse
- Seed Cycling
- Managing Your Cycle
- Relax & Regulate
- Super Turmeric
- CBD Oil use code ALI10 for 10% off
- Epsom Salt Baths
- Maca Powder
- Neurohormone Complete Plus
- Daysy Fertility Monitor
- References
- Skovlund CW, Mørch LS, Kessing LV, Lidegaard Ø. Association of Hormonal Contraception With Depression. JAMA Psychiatry. 2016.
- Palmery M, Saraceno A, Vaiarelli A, Carlomagno G. Oral contraceptives and changes in nutritional requirements. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013;17(13):1804-13.
- Borgström A, Odlind V, Ekselius L, Sundström-poromaa I. Adverse mood effects of combined oral contraceptives in relation to personality traits. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2008;141(2):127-30.
- Gingnell M, Engman J, Frick A, et al. Oral contraceptive use changes brain activity and mood in women with previous negative effect on the pill--a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomized trial of a levonorgestrel-containing combined oral contraceptive. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013;38(7):1133-44.

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Episode 105: Perfecting Your Poop
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Do you deal with IBS, constipation or are your bowel movements all over the map? Wondering if your poop is normal? Want to learn how to perfect your poop? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki dive into the often overlooked topic of constipation and what your poop is telling you about your overall health! Learn about why constipation can occur, what is considered “normal” when it comes to bowel movements and how you can achieve regularity in the restroom!
In this no-questions-off-limits episode, Ali and Becki explain why having a daily bowel movement is so important to overall health and what our poop can tell us about digestion, absorption, bacterial overgrowth and inflammatory status in the body! In the Naturally Nourished clinic, there is an entire section of a new client intake dedicated to digestion and 10+ questions about poop! Beyond conditions like IBS and IBD, bowel regularity is an essential part of feeling your best and detoxifying the body and when off can give us insights into what is going on beyond the surface. Learn about drivers of constipation from stress to travel to foods and drugs and get food as medicine and supplement recommendations to achieve regularity and feel your best!
Also in this episode:
- Defining Constipation
- Why Constipation Occurs
- Why Constipation is more Prevalent in Women
- Endometriosis
- Food & Drug Drivers of Constipation
- Travel Related Constipation
- How Stress Impacts Bowels
- The Problem with Over the Counter Medications
- 3 F’s for Preventing Constipation
- Fiber 25+g daily
- Fluid ½ body weight in oz daily
- Physical Activity 30 minutes daily
- Dysbiosis as a Driver of Constipation
- Gut Sterility & the Role of Probiotics
- Nutrient Deficiency Drivers of Constipation
- B12 Boost
- B Complex
- Relax and Regulate
- Magnesium Citrate (for occasional use)
- Vitamin C Powder 2-3g/day
- Micronutrient Panel
- Food As Medicine Solutions
- Maca Cacao Chia Pudding
- Nuttzo Nut Butter
- F Bombs Nut Butter Packs (use code AliMillerRD for 20% off)
- Low Carb Collagen Zucchini Muffins

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Episode 104: Being a Soulpreneur with Guest Michelle Norris
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Have you heard of the term soulpreneur? Want to hear how Michelle Norris, the CEO of Paleo f(x) defines this term and applies it to her own business and life? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Michelle on her life story and how she turned a tragic event into a way to fulfill her vision with Paleo f(x), the largest Paleo health and wellness event in the world.
In this episode, Ali and Becki dig deep into Michelle’s definition of being a soulpreneur and how you can balance your life’s mission or purpose with your business. Learn about the evolution of Paleo f(x), Michelle’s own healing journey through the use of plant medicine and her takeaways for anyone looking to find purpose and transition a passion into a successful business.
Also In this Episode:
What is a Soulpreneur?
The Paleo f(x) Story
Plant Medicine & Psychedelics
More About Michelle Norris:
Michelle is a former corporate warrior, trained chef and multi-potentialite whose previous health issues and an extended battle with traditional medical advice inspired her to upend the way the world tackles health, wellness and prosperity. She soon became one of the most outspoken Paleo evangelists, then co-founded and is now CEO of Paleo f(x)TM, the largest Paleo health and wellness event in the world. She’s a passionate speaker, motivator and guiding light to those seeking deliverance from a broken economic and healthcare system.
Having survived the death of her 22 year old daughter, Michelle knows what it’s like to fight back from paralyzing loss. Instead of floundering in self-pity, she used tragedy as a catalyst for her to “put up or shut up”, and follow through with her vision of leaving the economic status quo behind, and becoming a self-made entrepreneur. All this, at the pit of the housing market crash of 2008. Her belief, you can always find beauty among the ashes.
Where to find Michelle:
Zer0gravitysoul on Instagram & Twitter

Monday Sep 24, 2018
Episode 103: Balancing Flavor With Real Food
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Are you just getting started on your real food journey? Not convinced real food can taste good? Or are you a long-time food as medicine warrior stuck in a food rut? Tune in to get inspired and hear how Ali and Becki balance flavor with real food and how creating amazing depth of flavor in your dishes is simpler than it looks! Learn about Ali and Becki’s culinary journeys, from the depths of a hospital kitchen to creating a kombucha line to running juice bars and beyond! Get a taste for some of their favorite ingredients and the science and rationale behind the use of Fat, Acid, Salt and Sweet in every dish!
In this episode, Ali and Becki challenge you to think outside the box of real food flavors. Inspired in part by the work of Rebecca Katz and Ali’s learnings from the Boulder School of Natural Cookery, this episode goes beyond olive oil and balsamic to explain WHY we need a balance of flavors and how to determine what is missing from your dish and course correct! Learn about Ali and Becki’s favorite obscure ingredients as well as tried and true favorites and get inspired as they talk through mouth watering dishes you can make in your own kitchen!
Also in this Episode:
- Updates
- Favorite Recipes Right Now
- Ali & Becki’s Culinary Journey
- Episode 95: Starting Your Functional Medicine Journey
- Rebecca Katz
- Optimal Eating Program
- Favorite Fats
- Amazing Acids
- Salt
- Sweet

Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Episode 102: 3 Micronutrients: Pantothenate, Choline & Selenium
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Want to dig deeper into the topic of micronutrient deficiency? Wondering this could be the cause of your bothersome symptoms or at the root of your health concerns? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki break down the reasons for micronutrient deficiency and how they approach repletion with food and supplement strategy. Learn about Pantothenate, Choline and Selenium deficiency symptoms, best food sources, and supplement strategies plus get tasty recipe ideas to boost these nutrients in the body and optimize overall health!
In this episode, Ali and Becki break down the function of Pantothenate, Choline and Selenium in the body and uncover reasons these nutrients may become depleted in the first place. Learn symptoms to watch for that indicate deficiency in these areas, how taking digestive enzymes can help you replete nutrient stores and when and why to consider quality supplementation. Plus hear Ali and Becki address concerns for toxicity of certain nutrients, explain why B vitamins make your pee yellow and share their favorite delicious recipes focused on these 3 micronutrients!
Also in this Episode:
- The Anti Anxiety Diet Book Now Available!
- Upcoming Events in Texas
- Virtual Food As Medicine Ketosis Program
- Reasons for Nutrient Deficiency
- Micronutrient Testing
- Multidefense as an “Insurance Policy” (choose with iron for menstruating women, without for everyone else!)
- Pantothenate
- B Complex
- Adrenal Rehab Bundle
- Eat Fat Get Skinny Ebook
- Naturally Nourished Cookbook
- Baked Eggs in Avocado
- Smoked Salmon Dip
- Broccoli Cheddar Frittata (Found in NN Cookbook)
- Why is my pee yellow?
- B-6 Toxicity
- Choline
- Selenium
- Thyroid Health
- Keto Granola
- Sea Snax
- Selenium Toxicity
- Brazil Nut Milk 2 Ways
- Turmeric Roasted Cashews
- Thyroid Support Complex
- Selenomethionine

Monday Sep 10, 2018
Episode 101: Keto for Mental Illness with Guest Carrie Brown
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Mental health is a topic often abandoned in our current healthcare model and one that is simply not talked about enough by practitioners, those who are suffering or their family members. The stigma of having a mental illness coupled with a feeling of hopelessness for improving one’s condition can be an incredibly heavy burden to bear. Carrie Brown is a recipe developer and bestselling cookbook author who has struggled with depression and a diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder. Through a functional medicine approach and a ketogenic diet, Carrie is completely symptom and medication free. Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Carrie about her journey to finding freedom in her body and mind and how she is thriving with a ketogenic approach.
In this episode, Ali and Becki pick Carrie’s brain about her personal experience with depression, from her diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder to becoming her own detective and getting to the root cause. Learn about how mental health approaches are missing the mark, the role of genetics and how supplementation and lifestyle shift can aid in rebalancing our brain chemistry. Hear about how a ketogenic approach has helped Carrie to come off of mediation and live a completely symptom free life. Plus get a peek into Carrie’s culinary background and hear about her favorite kitchen tools and pantry must-haves!
Also in This Episode:
The Role of Genetics
Why Keto Can Work for Mood Imbalances
Carries Culinary Pearls of Wisdom
Suicide Prevention Hotline
More about Carrie Brown:
Carrie has struggled with depression for as long as she can remember, and after she was diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder 5 years ago, decided to become her own detective and figure out the root cause. She now lives a life completely free from all medications and any symptoms of Bipolar II Disorder or depression. Carrie is a recipe developer and best-selling KETO cookbook author, host of the Ketovangelist Kitchen podcast, and partner of the Ketovangelist Unlimited Program with Brian Williamson and Danny Vega. You can find Carrie sharing free KETO resources at carriebrown.com and ketovagelistkitchen.com.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/therealcarriebrown
Cookbooks: https://carriebrown.com/cookbooks-carrie-brown-keto-lchf-lowcarb
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ketovangelistkitchen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/flamingavocado
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealcarriebrown
Ketovangelist Unlimited: https://www.patreon.com/ketovangelistunlimited

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Episode 100: Five Ways to Solve Your Keto Slump
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Is your keto stuck in a rut? Have you hit a plateau with weight loss or just not feeling as good as when you first started? Are you experiencing bothersome side effects such as bowel changes or hormonal shifts? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the most common keto roadblocks or slumps that we hear complaints of in our keto program as well as how to solve them! Get tips and tricks for getting your keto back on track, busting through a plateau and optimizing your low carb approach!
In this episode, Ali and Becki dive into some of the most common keto pitfalls and complaints from stubborn weight loss to shortened menstrual cycles to constipation. Even if doing strict keto for years, shifts can occur in the body due to hormones, toxicity or micronutrient deficiency that require us to shake things up a bit to get back to feeling awesome! Learn valuable tools for optimizing your keto and hacks for dealing with bowel changes, hormonal concerns, macro obsession and more!
Also in this Episode:
- Virtual Food As Medicine Ketosis Program
- Episode 47: Keto Pitfalls
- Bowel Changes
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Leaky Gut
- MRT Food Sensitivity Test
- KetoCarnivore
- GI Lining Powder
- Inflammatory Gut Bundle
- Stress & Keto
- Adrenal Fatigue
- Adrenal Rehab Bundle
- The Role of Detox in Keto & Hormone Balance
- Carb Cycling for Hormonal Reset
- Macro Obsession
- Turn Key Solutions for Keto
- Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency
- Inflammation

Monday Aug 27, 2018
Episode 99: Ketosis As Medicine
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Monday Aug 27, 2018
Want to know what distinguishes our approach to keto from other keto programs and schools of thought? Curious about the therapeutic benefits of keto beyond weight loss? Want hard scientific evidence to help you back up your keto lifestyle? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki define what it means to use ketosis as medicine for weight loss, regulation of neurological conditions and reduction of inflammation. Learn WHY keto works for conditions like diabetes and obesity, dementia, anxiety, infertility, cancer and beyond and how to tweak your keto approach to achieve maximum benefit!
In this episode, Ali and Becki share their personal journeys with keto and define what it means to use ketosis as medicine across a wide range of applications. Learn how we produce ketones and the main mechanisms that make ketone bodies such powerful fuel or our brains and bodies. From muscle sparing and fat burn to reduction of cravings to antioxidant activity and neuroregeneration, ketones can do some pretty amazing things. Get our take on ketone testing and learn about how a real food approach along with high quality supplements can take your keto to the next level!
Also In This Episode:
- Defining Keto As Medicine
- Virtual Food As Medicine Ketosis Program - Sign up here!
- Ali and Becki’s Keto Story
- Keto and Breastfeeding
- Episode 55: Breastfeeding
- 5 Impacts of Ketone Production
- Muscle Sparing + Fat Burning Benefits
- Reduction of Cravings
- Antioxidant Activity
- Mood Stability
- Inflammation
- Conditions that Keto Benefits
- Diabetes + Obesity
- Neurological Conditions
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29325899
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28397070
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19664276/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21130529
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19231995/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16584562/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22567104
- Cancer
- Infertility
- Anxiety
- Ketone Testing--Is More Better?
- Real Food Keto
- Episode 96: Ancestral Approaches to Wellness
- Butcher Box: Use code AP10 to give your readers $10 off and free bacon in their first box!
- Episode 89: Why I Hate Non-Caloric Sweeteners
- 3 Supplements You Need in your Keto!
- Labs to Monitor Your Keto Progress
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)
C-Reactive Protein
Lipoprotein particle distribution for lipids (cholesterol)
TSH, T3, T4, rT3, TPO
Vitamin D

Monday Aug 20, 2018
Episode 98: The Dirty Truth About Wine with Dry Farm Wines
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Monday Aug 20, 2018
Did you know that conventional wines can contain up to 76 additives that are NOT required to be listed on the label?! Want to know more about what toxic ingredients might be hiding in your wine? Curious how you can know if your wine is safe and what we recommend for wine consumption? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Todd White, founder of Dry Farm Wines on how he got started in the natural wine business and how his company is looking to change the way we drink wine!
In this episode, Ali and Becki interview Todd on the scary and shady stuff that is going on in the wine industry and how his company is different. Wine has been consumed for 8,000 plus years and can be part of a balanced diet and lifestyle, but unfortunately the commercial wine industry has taken a turn for the worst with no regulation on labeling of wine and hidden colorants, pesticide residue and excessive sugar in most wines on the market. Todd is a wealth of knowledge on all things wine, from irrigation to fermentation to the many benefits of wine consumption. Learn about the extensive testing process Dry Farm Wines goes through to select only the top quality and safest wines to bring to consumers, emerging trends in the industry and his take on food and wine pairings!
Also in this episode:
- The Dry Farm Wines Story & Todd’s Background
- The Dirty Truth on Wine
- Additives
- Irrigation
- Fermentation
- How Wine Becomes Sugar Free
- Benefits of Wine Consumption
- Food Pairings
- Trends in the Wine Industry
Get a bottle for a penny with your first order using this link: dryfarmwines.com/alimillerRD
More about Todd White:
Todd has been serial entrepreneur and creator since he was age 17.
Today, after 15 years in the wine business his life is dedicated to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition, and how they think about consuming alcohol. He is the founder of Dry Farm Wines; a writer, speaker, and a leading authority on healthy organic/natural wines and the importance of micro-dosing alcohol for health, longevity, and vitality. Todd’s passion is unlocking the best way to enjoy alcohol, how to enjoy the benefits of moderate consumption while avoiding the negative outcomes. Todd has been the featured guest on many of the Nation’s leading health influencer podcasts including Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Radio, Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint, Abel James’s Fat Burning Man, Robb Wolf’s Paleo Solution, Drew Manning’s FIT2FAT2FIT and Jimmy Moore Livn Low Carb show.
Dry Farm Wines is endorsed by many leading U.S. health influencers including Mark Sisson’s Primal Blueprint, Dave Asprey’s BulletProof Executive, Robb Wolf, Abel James, the Fat Burning Man, WellnessMama, Dr. Dominic D’Agostino, Dr. Ken Ford, Chris Kresser and best selling nutrition authors JJ Virgin, Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. David Perlmutter.. Dry Farm Wines is also the Official Wine for many of the leading U.S. health and performance conferences, including Paleofx, Dave Asprey’s BulletProof Conference, Peter Diamondis’s A360, Joe Polish’s Genius Network Conference, LOWCARBUSA, Baby Bathwater Institute, The Environmental Health Symposium, KetoKademy, Metabolic Health Summit and JJ Virgin’s Mindshare Summit.
Dry Farm Wines are also friendly to Low Carb, Paleo, ketogenic and diabetic low sugar diets. Dry Farm Wines have no impact on blood glucose or ketone production. Dr. Dominic D’ Agostino, widely considered the most influential ketogenic research scientist in North America also endorses Dry Farm Wines. Jimmy Moore, the best selling author of Keto Clarity and a leading advocate for the ketogenic diet also endorses Dry Farm Wines.
Dry Farm Wines is the only lab tested, all natural health quantified wine merchant in the world that bio-hacks wine; quantifying organic and natural farming practices, as well as low intervention natural winemaking practices. Dry Farm Wines curates all natural pure real wines from all over the world, working with small family farms that are committed to producing pure natural wines. Dry Farm Wines is also proud to be the largest natural wine merchant in the world, supporting small family organic farms all over the world.
Todd is a self described Biohacker who practices daily meditation, Wim Hof breathing, cold thermogenesis, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting and he is a fitness enthusiast. He is also a frequent speaker on the topics including; ketogenic diet and lifestyle, meditation, company culture and business performance. Dry Farm Wines has grown over 675x in revenue since its 2015 founding making it one of the fastest growing private companies in the U.S., doing so without any debt or investors.

Monday Aug 13, 2018
Episode 97: Preventing and Managing a Hangover
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Monday Aug 13, 2018
Wondering what our take on alcohol consumption is or if we ever let loose? Want to know what our drinks of choice are and why? Curious how you can best support your body for a quick rebound? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss strategies for prevention and management of a hangover, how responsible alcohol moderation can actually be beneficial and tips and tricks for getting back on your feet the fastest!
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss what happens in the body on a biochemical level when we consume alcohol, how not all alcohol is created equal and what our bodies go through during the detox process! Learn about our take on alcohol in keto, best choices if you choose to imbibe and even some surprising benefits to moderate consumption! Of course you’ll hear about the not-so-fun stuff as well including why we get hungover in the first place, how your genetics may play a major role in this and what you can do to best support your body for a quick rebound!
Also in this Episode:
- The Anti-Anxiety Diet
- Virtual Real Food Ketosis Program
- How Alcohol is Metabolized
- The Caloric Impact of Alcohol
- Thoughts on Alcohol and Keto
- Dangers of Overconsumption, Additives and Scary Stuff!
- Supporting Your Microbiome
- Supporting Your Detox Process
- Hangover Prevention Strategies
- 3 Naturally Nourished Approved Cocktails!
- Damage Control Strategies
This episode is sponsored by Further Food, makers of high quality collagen products and real food supplements we love!