Welcome to the Naturally Nourished podcast - your resource for cutting-edge food-as-medicine information! Functional Medicine applied with use of food-as-medicine. Join Ali Miller RD and her cohost Becki Yoo RD as they navigate you through nutrient deficiency, gut health, hormone balance, and optimizing metabolism through a keto reset. Each episode provides research supported approaches to optimizing your health and empowering you and your household.

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Episode 225: Breastfeeding Updates
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Are you a new or expecting mama planning to breastfeed? Want the nitty gritty on establishing the breastfeeding relationship and what to REALLY expect in the first few weeks? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the benefits of breastfeeding for both baby and mama, why breastmilk truly is nature’s perfect food and how to deal with common concerns like nipple pain and supply issues.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss the breastfeeding journey with new updates from Becki’s current experience with Noah. From nipple pain and engorgement to the impact of stress and undereating on supply, this episode provides real time solutions for natural minded mamas. Plus learn about foods and supplements to support milk production and create super milk!
Also in this Episode:
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Unique Nutritional Properties of Breastmilk
- Golden Hour and Starting the Breastfeeding Relationship
- Dealing with Tongue Tie
- Help for Sore Nipples
- The Influence of Stress on Milk Supply
- Food as Medicine for Breastfeeding
- Supplements to Support Breastfeeding
Sponsors for this Episode:
This episode is sponsored by Nutrisense, providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that provide you with real-time glucose data and an easy to use phone app that helps you combine and visualize your glucose data with all of your daily activities as well as personalized recommendations on how to improve your health. Use the code AliRD for $30 off your monthly subscription plan at nutrisense.io.

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Episode 224: Medical Freedom and Choice with TFVC
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Concerned about current issues in medical freedom and choice with the c0vid v@xxine coming down the pipeline? Want to know how you can get involved in the medical autonomy movement? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Jackie Schlegal and Rebecca Hardy of Texans for V@xxine Choice about their important work protecting and advancing informed consent, medical privacy and choice.
In this episode, Ali and Becki interview Jackie and Rebecca about their activism through Texans for V@xxine Choice. Jackie and Rebecca have dedicated their lives to protecting medical liberties and turned a group of passionate mamas into a true movement to support parents in making informed choices for their children. Learn about current legislation in the area of v@xxines and what is at stake in Texas and nationwide and get insight into how you can get involved on a community level.
About Texans for v@xxine Choice:
As a speech-language pathologist, Rebecca has encountered many children with profound v@xxine injuries. These experiences created a passion for protecting others from these kinds of negative health outcomes, which she has turned into activism. Rebecca currently serves as its Director of State Policy for Texans for V@xxine Choice. Whether it’s meeting with legislators, drafting legislative strategy, or block-walking for candidates, Rebecca is dedicated to protecting medical liberties and informed consent for all Texans.
In 2015, when legislators were led astray and filed oppressive bills that would take away parental rights and v@xxine choice, Jackie Schlegel stepped up to the plate, said: "not on my watch,” and threw her hat into the political arena. In just four short years, she took a group of passionate moms and turned it into the epitome of grassroots activism, setting an unprecedented standard for the nation and even drawing worldwide attention.
That fledgling group of 20 is now a political action committee and educational foundation, with over 30,000 social media followers as well as 12,000+ official members who proudly align themselves with Texans for v@xxine Choice. Thanks to Jackie's endless energy and passion, this group is organized with local branches, core members, and team leaders impacting their schools, their communities, and their legislators. Her unshakable dedication inspires all members to have a laser focus on their mission of protecting and advancing informed consent, medical privacy, and v@xxine choice.
Also in this episode:
- Episode 179: Coronavirus and Immune System Support
- Episode 188: Body Autonomy and Listening to Your Inner Wisdom with Dr. Christiane Northrup
- Episode 214: Genetic SNP and Medical Autonomy
- Episode 219: DIVOC and Long Haulers
- Texans for v@xxine Choice
- Matching Donation Campaign
- TFVC Proclamation
- TFVC Welcome to Texas Guide
- PSA: Covid v@xxines and vulnerable Texans

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Episode 223: Top 10 Keto Pitfalls
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Has your keto progress stalled? Wondering if you are doing keto “right” and overwhelmed by all of the conflicting information? Looking to avoid common pitfalls and optimize your keto diet? Tune in to hear Ali and becki discuss the top 10 keto pitfalls and how to avoid them!
From eating too much fat to asking “Is THIS keto?”, this episode digs into some of the common ways that keto can go wrong and provides real solutions using our food-as-medicine approach. Learn why we don’t recommend relying on exogenous ketones, why supporting detox is key to sustaining weight loss and how being undernourished can derail your progress.
- Past Episodes on Keto Pitfalls
- #1: Too Much Fat
- #2: Using Exogenous Ketones
- #3: Asking is THIS keto?
- #4: Eating Dirty Keto and Not Supporting Detox
- #5 Not Enough Protein
- #6: Not Being Intuitive, Being Married to Macros
- Fail #7: Being Under-nourished, Ignoring Micronutrient Deficiencies
- Fail #8 Non-caloric sweeteners
- Fail #9 Hydration and Electrolyte Balance
- Fail #10 The Role of Stress
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Nutrisense, providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that provide you with real-time glucose data and an easy to use phone app that helps you combine and visualize your glucose data with all of your daily activities as well as personalized recommendations on how to improve your health. Use the code AliRD for $30 off your monthly subscription plan at nutrisense.io.
This episode is also sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.

Monday Jan 11, 2021
Episode 222: Depression and the Immune Connection
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Do you or someone you know struggle with depression? Has the pandemic been rough on your mental health? Want to know what foods and supplements can help combat low mood? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss the multifactorial causes of depression and how immune dysfunction and mood disturbance can often overlap.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss the 6R approach from The Anti-Anxiety Diet and how these principles can apply beyond anxiety to depression and other mood disorders. Learn about the pathogen-host theory of depression, why the gut truly is the second brain of the body and how you can use food as medicine to support mood. Plus get supplement, lab, and lifestyle recommendations.
Also in this episode:
- Food As Medicine Ketosis Program - New Spots Just Opened, Join Today!
- The Anti-Anxiety Diet
- The Anti-Anxiety Diet Cookbook
- GAPS Diet - Natasha McBride
- Impact of Pandemic & Lockdowns on Depression
- The Pathogen-Host Theory of Depression
- The Depression Immune Connection
- Supplement Support for Depression
- Micronutrients and Mood
- Zinc
- Iron
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin C
- The Protein Neurotransmitter Connection
- The Adrenal Depression Connection
- Lifestyle Support
- Labs for Depression
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.

Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Episode 221: The Dark Side of Keto? Jillian Michaels Debunk & 2020 Reflections
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Have you seen the most recent Jillian Michaels video demonizing the keto diet? Yep, she’s at it again, throwing keto under the bus with her pseudosciency buzzwords! This time Jillian bashed keto for including too much animal protein and saturated fat, accelerating aging, disrupting the microbiome and several other misguided claims. Tune in to hear Ali and Becki debunk JIllian once again and deliver some nerdy real talk on why we still love keto!
In this episode, Ali and Becki debunk Jillian point by point, from how keto can be rich in fiber to why quality absolutely matters to why vegetable oils are a poor choice. Learn about the real anti-aging benefits of a ketogenic diet, how keto prevents oxidative damage and supports cellular health and how keto can actually support healthy gut flora. Plus hear our reflections on 2020 and inspiration for 2021.
Also in this episode:
- 12 Week Food-as-Medicine Ketosis Program
- Ali Miller vs. Jillian Michaels on Keto
- The Dark Side of Keto
- The Problem with Calories In, Calories Out
- Fiber on Keto
- The Issue with Vegetable Oils
- Episode 220: 3 Things That Will Destroy Your Health
- An Increase in the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Increases the Risk for Obesity
- Health Implications of High Dietary Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
- The role of dietary oxidized cholesterol and oxidized fatty acids in the development of atherosclerosis
- Increased levels of oxidative DNA damage attributable to cooking-oil fumes exposure among cooks
- Episode 220: 3 Things That Will Destroy Your Health
- Anti-Aging Effects of Keto
- A ketogenic diet extends longevity and healthspan in adult mice
- Ketogenic diet decreases oxidative stress and improves mitochondrial respiratory complex activity
- Antioxidant capacity contributes to protection of ketone bodies against oxidative damage induced during hypoglycemic conditions
- The ketogenic diet increases mitochondrial glutathione levels
- Ketogenic Diet Modulates NAD+-Dependent Enzymes and Reduces DNA Damage in Hippocampus
- Impact of Keto on the Microbiome
- 2020 Reflections and Goals for 2021: Questions from Ali’s New Years Eve Worksheet:
- Best memory or experience
- Funniest time
- Biggest realization or lesson learned
- Most grateful for/new appreciation
- Thing you wanted to do but didn’t get to
- Biggest surprise of the year
- What do you want to release
- What do you want to manifest or focus on
- Resolution/Goals/Word for 2021
- Life Inventory Checklist
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Episode 220: 3 Things That Will Destroy Your Health
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
What do lab grown meat, seed oils and non-caloric sweeteners have in common? They are highly processed and don’t belong in a real food diet, for one! Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss frightening new frontiers in the world of lab meats and ultra-processed meat alternatives, why omega 6 oils don’t belong as a staple of your diet and why non-caloric sweeteners still suck!
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss 3 things that will wreak havoc on your health and how trying to outsmart nature almost always fails. Learn about human cell cultured meats (yuck!) and how ultra-processed meat alternatives can actually be deleterious to your health as well as the health of the planet. Plus hear us discuss favorite fats and updates on why non-caloric sweeteners have no business in your real food keto diet.
Also in this Episode:
- Food-as-Medicine Ketosis Program Starts January 6th!
- Lab Grown Meat
- Episode 42: Transitioning from Vegan
- Episode 51 What the Hell?! A Rebuttal to What the Health
- Episode 162: Holiday Gift Guide and Vegan Rant
- Episode 165: Vegan Diet, A Win For the Processed Food Industry?
- Episode 195: Flatten The Fear and Cracking the Carnivore Code with Guest Paul Saladino
- Episode 208: Wild Fed with Guest Daniel Vitalis
- Episode 217: Beyond Labels with Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina Mccollough
- Sacred Cow: The Case for Better Meat
- Omega 6 Seed Oils
- Our Favorite Fats
- Non-Caloric Sweeteners
- Episode 89: Why I Hate Non-Caloric Sweeteners
- Episode 118: Real Food Keto and Natural Sweeteners
- YouTube Why Non Caloric Sweeteners Suck
- Farup PG, Lydersen S, Valeur J. Are non-nutritive sweeteners obesogenic? Associations between diet, faecal microbiota, and short-chain fatty acids in morbidly obese subjects. J Obesity (2019) doi: 10.1155/2019/4608315
- Gerard C and Vidal H. Impact of gut microbiota on host glycemic control. Front Endocrinol (2019)10:29 doi: 10.3389/fendo.2019.00029
- Sylvetsky AC and Rother KI. Non-nutritive sweeteners in weight management and chronic disease: A review. Obesity (2018)26:635-40. Doi: 10.1002/oby.22139
- Tey SL, Salleh NB, Henry J et al. Effects of aspartame-, monk fruit-, stevia-, and sucrose-sweetened beverages on post-prandial glucose, insulin and energy intake. Int J Obesity (2017)41:450-7 doi: 10.1038/ijo.2016.225
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They've partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Episode 219: DIVOC updates, long haulers, and censorship
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Here we are 1 year in and we know a lot more than we did from our last official coverage in February. In this episode we cover updates on masks, disinfectants, and lockdowns, as well as new studies demonstrating lack of efficacy and serious concerns. We also unpack the stats on death toll noting this year there has been no increase in total death count when comparing to prior years sharing the work of John Hopins research demonstrating a reclassification of deaths vs. deaths caused by coronavirus. Beyond classification of deaths, we cover the faulty testing being used to drive the case count.
This episode ensures you are empowered with the connection of susceptibility + infection = disease. The infection or exposure alone may not be significant as updated data demonstrates. However, the restrictions continue to tighten and threats loom into 2022?!? We question the narrative and call out medical incongruency with policy as well as cover food-as-medicine and supplement support.
Have you been infected with COVID? We cover the mechanisms of long-haulers and how to support the body in successfully resetting following exposure to rebound energy, reduce inflammation, and regain mental health. Also in this episode we discuss the roles of the medical industrial complex and how facts and clinical information that can serve the public is being blocked and deleted. Learn how you can support your body and be proactive in not just surviving but living your life to the fullest!
Also in This Episode:
- Episode 179: Coronavirus and Immune Support
- Episode 180: The Stress Immune Connection: Coronavirus updates
- Updates on masks
- My blog: Safe and Effective disinfectants at work and school
- My blog: Why masks don’t work and how to advocate for logic in the time of COVID-19
- Wim Hof Breath video to support expanding respiratory function
- Infection fatality rate updates
- Infection Fatality Ratios for COVID-19 Annals of Internal Medicine September 2, 2020 DOI: 10.7326/M20-5352
- Population-level COVID-19 mortality risk for non-elderly individuals overall and for non-elderly individuals without underlying diseases in pandemic epicenters medRxiv May 5, 2020 DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.05.20054361
- Updates on how asymptomatic individuals do not spread infection
- Nature study: Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China
- https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19802-w
- Skullcap
- Hesperidin
- Vitamin D and Virus Support
- Risk Factors for Coronavirus Vulnerability
- Concerns of vaccine
- Advances in transhumanism or tech impact on humans
- MIT news from 2019 on tracking vaccines through skin scan and digital record https://news.mit.edu/2019/storing-vaccine-history-skin-1218
- Patent on Cryptocurency on humans
- Long-haulers and how to regulate and reset body
- Updated Coronavirus Kit
- Supplements
- Additional Products
- The Stress-Immune Connection
- How Stress Impacts the Body
- The Stress GI Connection
- Stress Reduction Techniques
- Why You Need Sleep
- How to Approach Exercise Under Stress
- Mantra, Meditation and 4-7-8 Breath
- Stress Supporting Supplements
- Other Research Mentioned in This Episode:
review. Pharmacol Ther 190, 105-127.
Neuroprotective Effect of Scutellarin on Ischemic Cerebral Injury by Down-Regulating the
Expression of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme and AT1 Receptor. PLoS One 11(1), e0146197.
Coronavirus receptor ACE 2 A potential target for antiviral therapy, New Concepts of Antiviral
Sponsors For This Episode:
This episode is sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.
This episode is sponsored by the Naturally Nourished supplement line: these pure, potent and effective formulas have been hand selected to deliver profound health benefits. We price our formulas 2-5% below market industry standard and competitors and guarantee that our products will always be third party assessed to ensure they are free of mold, toxins, contaminants, and contain the stated active ingredients in dosages noted.
Use code ALI15 for 15% off your first Naturally Nourished Supplement Order!

Monday Dec 07, 2020
Episode 218: Holiday Food-as-Medicine and Gift Giving Guide +Q&A
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Monday Dec 07, 2020
Here come the holidays and the end of 2020, we want to empower you to stay on top of your health game and support your loved ones! Want to be on top of it this year with prioritizing your body’s needs AND getting your shopping done? Want to hear about the use of CBD oil, elderberry in the immune season, the impact of a high protein diet on the body and more burning listeners questions? Tune in to hear Ali and special pinch hitter guest, Brady Miller (her husband) talk strategy for navigating holiday celebrations, tips for supporting healthy eating with kiddos and finding true food freedom during this season. You won’t want to miss what’s on their gift wishlists!
Also in This Episode:
- Holiday Gift Guide - UPDATED!
- Leave an Amazon Review for The Anti-Anxiety Diet Cookbook or The Anti-Anxiety Diet
- Redefining Food Freedom
- Priorities for Food As Medicine During the Holidays
- Bone broth
- Limit inflammatory foods
- Be mindful of carbs
- Keep present your “why” for empowerment
- Holiday Survival Supplements
- Microbiome Support
- Stress Support
- Ali and Becki’s Gift Giving Guide
- Personal Faves (and Brady’s inspo)
- Stocking Stuffers
- Naturally Nourished Gift Cards
- BeautyCounter Lip Gloss Set - Choose Becki Yoo as your consultant!
- Baller Gifts
- Ebb & Flo Balance Board
- Sunlighten Sauna - use code ALIMILLERRD for $200 off!
- Uplift Standing Desk
- Sonos Move Speaker
- Baller Gifts
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They've partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!
This episode is sponsored by the Naturally Nourished supplement line: these pure, potent and effective formulas have been hand selected to deliver profound health benefits. We price our formulas 2-5% below market industry standard and competitors and guarantee that our products will always be third party assessed to ensure they are free of mold, toxins, contaminants, and contain the stated active ingredients in dosages noted.
Use code ALI15 for 15% off your first Naturally Nourished Supplement Order!

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Episode 217: Beyond Labels with Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina McCollough
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Are you overwhelmed by diet culture and confused about the difference between organic, free range, sustainable, natural? Looking for way to reboot your passion for connecting yourself into your food system and revamping how you look at food or your daily approach to eating? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Joel Salatin and Dr. Sina McCollough, two thought leaders and genuinely awesome people!
Joel has inspired millions with his work on Polyface Farm in Swoope, Virginia, which was featured in the New York Times bestseller Omnivore’s Dilemma and award-winning documentary Food Inc. Joel is a world leader in regenerative agriculture with a passionate understanding of the harmonious relationship between nature and the farmer. Dr. Sina has a radical health healing journey from a diet comprised of processed foods shifting to an individualized food-as-medicine approach serving to rebound from chronic illness and severe nutritional deficiencies.
In this episode, we discuss action items or practical bites to “get your hands dirty” and directly connect with your food system as well as defining a continuum from processed foods to whole foods and from a lackluster life to a vibrant one! We also go into more broad high level conversations on sovereignty and health freedom touching on farm subsidies, medical autonomy, disease label and diagnostics, and defining what elements are necessary for optimal wellness.
Also in this episode:
- Joel and Sina’s Story
- What does Beyond Labels mean to the authors?
- Unpacking the continuum of health diagram
- Maximal Health
- Maximal Happiness
- Maximal Freedom
- Maximal Trust
- Maximal Personal Responsibility
- As opposed to: sadness, dependence, blind faith, and victimhood
- What food labels really mean?
- Deep dive conversation on Freedom
- How to harness your power and vote with your dollar
- Being a conscious Omnivore
- Backyard growing and homesteading
Purchase Beyond Labels book here!
Connect with Sina at: www.HandsOffMyFood.com and Joel at: www.PolyfaceFarms.com
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.
This episode is sponsored by the Naturally Nourished supplement line: these pure, potent and effective formulas have been hand selected to deliver profound health benefits. We price our formulas 2-5% below market industry standard and competitors and guarantee that our products will always be third party assessed to ensure they are free of mold, toxins, contaminants, and contain the stated active ingredients in dosages noted. Use code ALI15 for 15% off your first Naturally Nourished Supplement Order!
About our guests:
Dr. Sina McCullough is the author of Beyond Labels and Hands Off My Food. She holds a Ph.D. in Nutritional Science and a B.S. in Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior, both from the University of California at Davis. She was the Director of R&D for a supplement company and taught Biochemistry and Bioenergetics at UC Davis. Despite her knowledge, she developed an autoimmune disease, which prompted her to launch an investigation into our food supply. What she learned saved her life; she reversed the disease without the use of medication. Now, Dr. McCullough is dedicated to helping others avoid the health challenges she has faced.
Joel Salatin and his family operate Polyface Farm in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. Beginning in 1961 the family developed soil building and water-enhancing protocols to grow pastured livestock: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, ducks, and sheep. The farm direct markets to individual families, restaurants, and institutional dining services. With a long track record of innovation and excellence, Polyface Farm holds educational seminars, farm tours, day camps and events to encourage duplication and understanding. Joel is the author of 13 books, including Beyond Labels, Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal, and The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer and he is the editor of the world’s premier pastured livestock publication, The Stockman Grass Farmer.

Monday Nov 23, 2020
Episode 216: Holiday Celebrations and Thanksgiving Menu Inspiration
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Monday Nov 23, 2020
Are you still putting the finishing touches on your holiday menu? Need some inspiration that will convince your family that real food can taste good once and for all? Looking for some tips to navigate the holidays and stay on track? Tune in to get Ali’s top tips for holiday survival and best practices for incorporating both mindful indulgence and nutrient density in your menu planning.
In this episode, Ali and Becki will definitely make you drool with their holiday menu inspiration! Learn about ways to incorporate greens into your Thanksgiving meal, choosing quality fats and why we love nut flour. Plus eating nose to tail, holiday survival supplement essentials, and how to navigate conversations about the “bad season” with family and friends!
Also in this episode:
- Tips for Navigating the Holidays
- Get Your Greens
- Choose Quality Fats
- Use Nut Flours Over Grain Based Flours
- Make Bone Broth
- Incorporate Organs
- Ali and Becki’s Thanksgiving Menu
- Holiday Survival Supplements
- Navigating the “Bad Season” with Love and Logic
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is also sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They've partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!