Welcome to the Naturally Nourished podcast - your resource for cutting-edge food-as-medicine information! Functional Medicine applied with use of food-as-medicine. Join Ali Miller RD and her cohost Becki Yoo RD as they navigate you through nutrient deficiency, gut health, hormone balance, and optimizing metabolism through a keto reset. Each episode provides research supported approaches to optimizing your health and empowering you and your household.

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Episode 245: Stella’s 5th Birthday and Kids Nutrition Q&A
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Want to know what Stella did for her 5th birthday this year? Curious about shifts in her nutrition, supplement regimen and development? Tune in to hear from miss Stella herself in her first podcast debut, answering listener questions about her favorite foods, birthday gifts and how she celebrated her big day!
In this episode, Ali and Becki interview Stella Miller all about turning 5 years old! We also recap Stella’s year and discuss shifts in diet priorities, imprint of the bad season and incorporating affirmations and prayer into her daily routine. Plus, we answer listener questions about the Blue Poop Challenge, keto for kids, concerns about oxalates and antinutrients for children and beyond! Buckle up for a fun and as always jam-packed episode complete with a knock-knock joke from Stella!
Also in this episode:
- Stella’s 5th Birthday Celebration
- Stella’s Favorite Breakfasts & Lunches
- Listener Q&A
- Thoughts on the Blue Poop Challenge
- Stella’s Current Supplements
- Keto and Intermittent Fasting For Kids?
- Are Raw Vegetables Okay for Kids?
- Ideas for Keeping Kids Full
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Nutrisense, providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that provide you with real-time glucose data and an easy to use phone app that helps you combine and visualize your glucose data with all of your daily activities as well as personalized recommendations on how to improve your health. Use the code AliRD for $30 off your monthly subscription plan at nutrisense.io.
This episode is also sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They've partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Are you considering investing in an infrared sauna and want to know if it’s really worth it? Curious about the benefits of infrared light and what sets these types of saunas apart? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki interview Nicole Carlson with Sunlighten Sauna on the research-supported benefits of infrared sauna use from decreased blood pressure to detoxification to mental health and beyond.
In this episode, Ali and Becki dig into the difference between traditional saunas and infrared as well as the benefits of near and far infrared exposure for specific conditions. Infrared sauna can increase core body temperature, providing benefits of caloric burn, enhancing immune health and even improving circulation and heart health. We can also see benefits of improved sleep, improved muscle recovery and reduced cortisol levels. Learn about how often you can use sauna, who would benefit from this therapy and how to enhance your sauna experience using strategic supplementation and other lifestyle modifications. Plus we discuss concerns with EMF exposure, and toxic materials and adhesives and the importance of 3rd party testing.
Also in this episode:
- Health Benefits of Infrared Sauna Use
- Detoxification
- Immune Health
- Weight Loss
- Relaxation
- Anti-Aging
- Muscle Recovery
- Heart Health
- Detox Packs - we recommend using along with your sauna experience to enhance detoxification!
- Balancing Allostatic Load with Sauna Use
- Concerns for Toxicity and EMF Exposure
- Mention Ali Miller RD for discounts when ordering!
- $200 Off + Free Shipping on Cabins
- $100 Off + Free Shipping on Solo Systems
More about Sunlighten:
Shining light on infrared technology, Sunlighten® is the #1 choice for personalized infrared light treatments. Since 1999, we have been committed to innovating wellness products and services that empower our customers to improve their quality of life. Our patented SoloCarbon® technology rejuvenates the body by delivering the highest dose of infrared energy to the body - proven up to 99% effective. Our technological innovations are fueled by our passion to make a difference. And we are building a global community of businesses, consumers, and trusted experts to support each other along the way and make the world a healthier, happier place.
Nicole Carlson has a passion for helping others through education, consulting & training to both heal, improve and preserve health and wellness. She specializes in scientific based yet holistic approaches to healing and life balance. Nicole holds a degree in Psychology & Sociology as well as a certification in Functional Nutrition.

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Episode 243: The Smaxmine and Staying Sovereign in DIVOC
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
If you’re feeling emotional or psychologically exhausted at this point in the DIVOC pandemic, you’re not alone. Between the gaslighting, isolation, bait and switch and other tactics of psychological and even spiritual manipulation over the past year and a half, we have truly been at war with no end in sight. Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss how to maintain your vibration and body sovereignty and not fall victim to the fear, shame and guilt of the current narrative.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss pandemic updates now a year and a half in with new updates on mask mandates, practicing civil disobedience and of course the smaxmine. Learn about risks and considerations for yourself and family members, how to answer the question “have you gotten your jab yet?” and of course priorities of supplementation to mitigate possible side effects.
Also in this episode:
- Video: Perfecting Your Protein Shake and Orange Dreamsicle Shake Recipe
- Episode 179: Coronavirus and Immune Health
- Episode 180 How Stress Hinders Immune System and COVID updates
- Episode 188 Guest Dr. Chris Northrup Vaccine-nation
- Episode 192 Keeping our Kids Safe?
- Episode 219 DIVOC updates and long-haulers
- Blog: Why Masks Don’t Work
- Blog: Safer Disinfectants
- Gaslighting and the Pandemic
- Concerns with the Smaxmine
- Supporting Your System Post Smaxmine
- Detox Support
- Managing Inflammation
- Support for Employer Mandates
- Updates on NAC
- How to Answer “Have You Gotten the Smaxmine?”
- CDC Summer Camp Updates
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is also sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They've partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!

Monday May 31, 2021
Episode 242: Food as Medicine for Reflux and Heartburn
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Do you deal with reflux or heartburn? Want to know how to manage these conditions without medication? Heartburn and acid reflux can be extremely uncomfortable causing pressure and pain in the chest, ribs, and irritating the esophagus! Unfortunately the number of people suffering from these conditions has increased dramatically over the last decade. What is even more alarming is the number of people on acid suppressing drugs and oftentimes with no understanding of their harmful side effects and unknowing that they can actually resolve the chronic condition.
In this episode Ali and Becki talk about the reasons heartburn and reflux occur, why prescriptions and OTCs do more harm than good, and how to resolve reflux and heartburn with targeted nutrients and food-as-medicine solutions. Learn clinical pearls on the use of digestive enzymes, l-glutamine, mucilaginous compounds and how to get off your prescription for good!
Also in this episode:
- Updates
- YouTube: 5 Ways to Manage Heartburn and Why You Should Toss Your PPI and Antacids!
- Causes of Reflux and Heartburn
- The Importance of Stomach Acid
- How Conventional Medications Fail to Address the Root Cause
- Risks of Antacids, H2 Blockers and PPIs
- Nutrient Deficiencies
- Risks of Antacids, H2 Blockers and PPIs
- Functional Medicine Approach to Reflux, Heartburn and GERD
- Digestaid 2 at meals, 1 at snacks
- Metagest for HCL Challenge (only use under practitioner supervision!)
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- GI Lining Support 1-2 scoops at rise, 1-2 scoops at bed, 1 scoop at onset of symptoms
- Lily of the Desert Aloe Vera Juice
- The Role of Melatonin
- Probiotic Challenge
- H Pylori and Heartburn
- BroccoDetox
- Reflux in Pregnancy
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Nutrisense, providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that provide you with real-time glucose data and an easy to use phone app that helps you combine and visualize your glucose data with all of your daily activities as well as personalized recommendations on how to improve your health. Use the code AliRD for $30 off your monthly subscription plan at nutrisense.io.
This episode is also sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.

Monday May 24, 2021
Episode 241: Summer Travel Wellness
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Have summer travel on the mind? Want to avoid vacation weight gain and come home feeling your best? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss travel hacks with updates from Ali’s recent road trips to Colorado and Florida! Learn about pandemic travel hacks from supporting your immune system and microbiome to planning for long haul driving without screen time and beyond.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss how to navigate dining out on the road and how to plan vacation meals that feel indulgent but don’t make you feel terrible! Learn about supplements to prioritize during summer travel, support for chlorine exposure with summer swimming and our favorite sunscreen options. Plus hear our Fredericksburg agenda so you can plan your next hill country getaway.
Also in this episode:
- Food as Medicine Ketosis Program
- Episode 86: Surviving Summer Travel
- Patient Profile
- Navigating Dining Out
- Supplements for Travel Support
- Travel Snacks & Meals
- Car Travel Favorites
- Air Travel Essentials
- Chlorine Detox
- Favorite Sunscreen
- Fredericksburg, Texas Agenda
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They’ve partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!

Monday May 17, 2021
Episode 240: Is Your Wine More Toxic Than You Think?
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Can wine be part of a real food diet? If your diet is squeaky clean but you’re not ready to give up wine, we don’t blame you, we aren’t either! And thanks to natural wines like those sourced by Dry Farm Wines, you don’t have to! Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss hangover prevention and treatment of symptoms if you happen to have one too many using a food-as-medicine approach. In the second half of this episode, they interview Todd White, founder of Dry Farm Wines on what makes a natural wine and the health highlights of responsible wine consumption.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss why hangovers occur and how responsible alcohol consumption combined with food-as-medicine strategy can help to mitigate the impact and prevent undesired symptoms. You’ll also learn from Todd about histamine, sulfites and tannins in wine, why glyphosate residue is present in many wines and how Dry Farm Wines are different!
Also in this episode:
- Why We Get Hungover
- Hangover Prevention Strategies
- Hangover Symptom Management
- Interview with Todd White of Dry Farm Wines
- What Makes a Natural Wine?
- Health Benefits of Natural Wine
- Glyphosate in Wine
- Low Alcohol Wine
- Histamine, Sulfites and Tannins
- Sourcing Natural Wine
Get a bottle for a penny with your first order using this link: dryfarmwines.com/alimillerRD
More About Todd:
Todd is a self described Biohacker who practices daily meditation, Wim Hof breathing, cold thermogenesis, a ketogenic diet, intermittent fasting and he is a fitness enthusiast. He is also a frequent speaker on the topics including; ketogenic diet and lifestyle, meditation, company culture and business performance. Today, after 15 years in the wine business his life is dedicated to educating and helping people make better choices about food, nutrition, and how they think about consuming alcohol.
He is the founder of Dry Farm Wines; a writer, speaker, and a leading authority on healthy organic/natural wines and the importance of micro-dosing alcohol for health, longevity, and vitality. Todd’s passion is unlocking the best way to enjoy alcohol, how to enjoy the benefits of moderate consumption while avoiding the negative outcomes.
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is also sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.

Monday May 10, 2021
Episode 239: Baby Led Weaning
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Have you heard of baby led weaning? Thinking about skipping purees with your little one and going straight to solids? Want to know what Noah is eating at 8 months old? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki discuss baby led weaning and how they decided this was the right way to introduce real food to their babes from the start.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss the benefits of baby led weaning, from fine motor skill development to regulation of satiety to expansion of baby’s palate and beyond. Learn about signs of readiness, how to ensure a safe eating environment and first foods to consider. Plus Becki shares Noah’s supplement regimen, tips for dealing with cradle cap and what foods he’s digging these days!
Also in this episode:
- Food As Medicine Ketosis Program
- Episode 88: Nourishing Your Toddler and Stella’s 2nd Birthday
- Episode 229: Real Food and Pregnancy
- Benefits of Baby Led Weaning
- Nutrient Needs for 6 Months and Beyond
- Baby Led Weaning Beverage
- Stella’s First Birthday Cake
- Safety and Readiness for Baby Led Weaning
- Baby’s First Supplements
- Dealing with Cradle Cap and Eczema
- Baby Led Weaning Essentials
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Nutrisense, providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that provide you with real-time glucose data and an easy to use phone app that helps you combine and visualize your glucose data with all of your daily activities as well as personalized recommendations on how to improve your health. Use the code AliRD for $30 off your monthly subscription plan at nutrisense.io.
This episode is also sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They’ve partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!

Monday May 03, 2021
Episode 238: Coping with Keto Flu and Listener Q&A
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Are you new to keto and dealing with keto flu symptoms? Transitioning back to keto but want to avoid fatigue or headaches? Want to know why some get keto flu while others transition with ease? Tune in to hear Ali and Becki review common symptoms of keto flu and discuss how electrolyte and insulin fluctuations play a role. Learn about favorite tricks to ease the transition and how to fine tune your keto for best outcomes.
Keto Flu can be an unpleasant transitional phase when first getting into ketosis and can also be experienced by keto veterans if electrolytes are off or in the case of certain nutrient deficiencies. In this episode, Ali and Becki talk about common keto flu symptoms, why some are more susceptible than others, and ways to cope with food-as-medicine to combat muscle cramps, headaches, fatigue and beyond. They also answer your burning listener questions on keto and adrenal fatigue, OMAD, testing ketones and what to do if just not getting that keto high!
Also in this episode:
- Food-As-Medicine Ketosis Program Kicks Off 5/5!
- What Is Keto Flu?
- Who Suffers Worse Keto Flu
- Adrenal Support
- Redmond Real Salt use code ALIMILLERRD
- Breastfeeding and Keto Flu
- Preventing Keto Flu
- Hydration
- Water Infusions
- Wild Foods Tea use code ALIMILLERRD
- Electrolyte Balance
- Redmond Real Salt Minis
- Turmeric Lemonade
- Fond Bone Broth use code ALIMILLERRD
- Relax and Regulate
- Ketone Production
- Hydration
- Listener Questions
- What to look for in an electrolyte supplement?
- What do I do if I’m just not hungry on Keto?
- How important is it to count macros?
- Do I need to intermittent fast for weight loss?
- How can I tell if I’m in ketosis?
- KetoMojo Ketone Blood Meter
- Nutrisense.io Continuous Glucose Monitor use code ALIMILLERRD
- Is OMAD okay or do I need to eat more often?
- Why do I not feel “Ketophoria” like others in ketosis?
- Test DHEA-s in blood or salivary DHEA in Labrix Neurohormone Panel
- How to support adrenal fatigue on keto?
This episode is also sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Episode 237: Mediterranean Keto
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Are you feeling bogged down with your keto diet or concerned you are consuming too much saturated fat? Want to lighten things up and add more plant compounds? Tune in to learn how a food-as-medicine ketosis approach can be heart healthy, supportive of detoxification, autoimmune conditions and so much more as well as health supporting properties of key mediterranean keto foods.
In this episode, Ali and Becki discuss a mediterranean approach to keto as a lighter, brighter way to stay low carb! This can be appropriate for those not losing weight on keto, those with known genetic SNPs that impact saturated fat intake or even just seasonally to shake up your intake. Learn about the benefits of mediterranean keto and eight of our favorite medi keto foods as well as mouth watering food inspiration!
Also in this episode:
- Food-As-Medicine Ketosis Program starts May 5th!
- What is Mediterranean Keto?
- Avoiding PUFAs on Keto
- Who Needs to Be Mindful of Saturated Fat
- Navigating APOE4 on Keto
- Supplements to Support a Mediterranean Keto Approach
- 8 Mediterranean Keto Foods We Love!
- Garlic
- Seafood
- Flax
- Olives & Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Berries
- Spinach
- Tomatoes
- Broccoli & Cruciferous Veggies
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by the Naturally Nourished supplement line: these pure, potent and effective formulas have been hand selected to deliver profound health benefits. We price our formulas 2-5% below market industry standard and competitors and guarantee that our products will always be third party assessed to ensure they are free of mold, toxins, contaminants, and contain the stated active ingredients in dosages noted. Use code ALI15 for 15% off your first Naturally Nourished Supplement Order and check out our newest addition, CoQ10 Complex!
This episode is also sponsored by Wild Foods, a company that puts quality, sustainability, and health first in all of their products. They have everything from coffee to turmeric to medicinal mushrooms, and every single product is painstakingly sourced from small farms around the globe. They take their mission seriously to fix the broken food system, and believe real food is medicine. They've partnered with us to give you guys an exclusive discount, so use the code ALIMILLERRD for 12% off your order at WildFoods.co!

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Episode 236: Hidden Sources of Toxicity and Detox Updates
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Think you’re living clean and avoiding toxins? This episode may make you think again as we dive into hidden sources of toxicity and the toxins that may be lurking in your home! From sanitizers and disinfectants to disposable masks to water and even everyone’s beloved Topo Chico, learn how you may be getting exposed to toxins in your day to day life and what to do to avoid them.
In this episode, Ali and Becki dig into detox pathways and how to body removes toxins as well as nutrients that support phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification. Learn about new dangers of hand sanitizers, disinfectant exposure and the increased toxic burden of pandemic “safety” measures. Plus we answer listener questions from supporting lymphatic drainage to detoxing while breastfeeding to whether wine really has to go during a detox.
Also in this episode:
- Episode 163: Supporting Detox with Real Food
- Episode 84: The Importance of Detox on Keto
- Free Detox Webinar
- 10 Day Detox Ebook - use code PODCASTDETOX to get it for $1.99
- Why You Need a Detox Even When You Have a Liver and Kidneys
- Supporting Lymphatic Drainage
- Why Hand Sanitizer and Disinfectants Do More Harm Than Good!
- Why You Need to Take Your Shoes Off at the Door
- Toxicity of Disposable Masks
- Why You Need to Stop Drinking Topo Chico
- How to Clean Your Cast Iron & Non-Toxic Cookware
- What’s Really in Your Tap Water
- Why Do a 10 Day Detox
- Detox Supporting Foods and Supplements
- How Soon Can I Do Another Detox?
- Can I Have Wine on My Detox?
- Can I Detox While Breastfeeding?
Sponsors for this episode:
This episode is sponsored by Nutrisense, providing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) that provide you with real-time glucose data and an easy to use phone app that helps you combine and visualize your glucose data with all of your daily activities as well as personalized recommendations on how to improve your health. Use the code AliRD for $30 off your monthly subscription plan at nutrisense.io.
This episode is also sponsored by FOND Bone Broth Tonics, Your Sous Chef in a Jar. FOND is slow simmered and lovingly tended from simmer to seal. They partner with organic farms and hand-pick and pair ingredients to optimize absorption and taste. Use code ALIMILLERRD to save at fondbonebroth.com.